Week 8



Week 8 has been a great week, we have divided up into groups based on are big question. We went around the class and created big questions from a prompt, 6 people choose my question for their project and that brought me a bit of self confidence. My group is able to focus more on the project than my last one and able to carry on a conversation related to are book and big question, I've found that makes this project a lot easier and more enjoyable. I was also selected to be my groups leader adding to my already high-ted self confidence. 

We also watched an episode of the twilight zone which I haven't seen sense it scared me as a child. We watched The Obsolete Man and focused on it through are big question which fit splendidly. Are big question is as follows "are citizens at fault for societies morals?". Accompany this with a movie based on getting rid of people who no longer serve a functionally purpose for society and role reversal for  the judge of those who would be deemed worthless. Brought to are group the question how does this work in are society, many among us consider the homeless, those on welfare, a drain on are society. Controversially some would say these people are obsolete, so I wondered out loud what ramifications does this hold? Who in my group would not so much sentence to death those who are "worthless" but instead take away the small amount of government assistance they get and instead of killing directly like the movie, here we in reality would promote their death.

This week focused mostly on group work. Although I had missed some time the group was able to catch me up. Mostly I noticed that it was easier to catch up with a group around to fill in the details I missed. I was able to catch up and be a constructive part of the group. I would say the key learning for me was that to catch up you need the support of the group but your own drive. 

Through out this week week in my English 12A we focused on the power of story, and how that can affect how people interpret information. We also started writing are I believes. These two items were meant to be used coexistingly, at least that's what I interpreted. We watched short video stories about this, and shinborn told us a short story based on this idea. Even know i can recall short facts that may not be of use to me but found there way into my head throug