We watched an episode of the twilight zone this week which I haven't seen sense it scared me as a child. We watched The Obsolete Man and focused on it through are big question which fit splendidly. Are big question is as follows "are citizens at fault for societies morals?". Accompany this with a movie based on getting rid of people who no longer serve a functionally purpose for society and role reversal for  the judge of those who would be deemed worthless. Brought to are group the question how does this work in are society, many among us consider the homeless, those on welfare, a drain on are society. Controversially some would say these people are obsolete, so I wondered out loud what ramifications does this hold? Who in my group would not so much sentence to death those who are "worthless" but instead take away the small amount of government assistance they get and instead of killing directly like the movie, here we in reality would promote their death.

The movie focuses on a librarian who stands on trail for being such, for in this altered perception of the world books are deemed worthless. The man openly admits to being as such which shocks a crowd why would he admit to being worthless, obsolete. The reason I think is as follows he doesn't find himself worthless human existence to him his worthy in it of itself to be, but maybe this is just me reflecting my own thought onto a lesser character. In-vision instead are world today a disabled man stands of trail for being a drain on a functional society the argument is this man is good for so little but consumes that of an average person so we should take him off disability and allow him to fend for himself? 

Who among you would allow this this to pass, or as an even greater injustice find this to be the truth. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

